35 restaurants light candles in Mazatlan


Mazatlan, Sinaloa.- Of the 158 restaurants that joined the national protest against high tariffs of electricity in Sinaloa, 35 businesses were in Mazatlan.

President of the National Chamber of Industry restaurant Mazatlan, Oscar Palacios Gómez explained that were 35 establishments the light dimmed and candles worked for two hours Thursday night.

He commented that this was little business which added to this initiative, however, he trusts that next Thursday, the number will be higher.

In the blackout that began restaurants from 7 to 9 at night, as an evening of protest, where they changed the spotlights by candles, joined 158 businesses affiliated with the camera.

70 Canirac delegations have been added in the country and will be held every Thursday where a good response from citizens has been found and the measure of protest is to not increase the price of the dishes or cut personnel at the high rates applied by the Federal Electricity Commission.