Sinaloa governor grants 380 million pesos to agricultural producers


Thanks to the efforts made by the state governor Quirino Ordaz Coppel, before the Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock and Rural Development (Secretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería, Desarrollo Rural : SAGARPA), the release of a stock exchange for more than 380 million pesos was approved, resources that will allow, among other things, to pay pending support to corn, bean and wheat producers, announced the Secretary of Agriculture and Livestock, Jesus Antonio Valdés Palazuelos.

This was announced in the framework of a meeting with the members of the Confederation of Farmers Associations of Sinaloa (CAADES) presided by Ulises Robles Gámez, who said they are ready to continue working as a team with the Government of Sinaloa to strengthen this important reconomic sector.

Prior to this meeting, Jesús Valdés stated that there is good news for the agricultural and cattle producers of Sinaloa, because in a meeting with the head of Sagarpa, Baltazar Hinojosa Ochoa, he was informed that the governor’s actions authorized the total payment of debts owed to corn and wheat producers, as well as resources to consolidate the TIF project in Mazatlan in its second stage.

Ulises Robles Gámez, recognized the work done by the State Government, in collaboration with the private sector of the Sinaloa producers, ensures that the main productive activity remains a pillar of the state economy.

TMP Newsroom with information from Gobierno del Estado de Sinaloa