Tourists taken to the airport by police officers after brawl between transportation service providers


MAZATLÁN, SINALOA.- The confrontation between tranportation service providers in Mazatlán became more than evident and the tourists who were affected ended up being transferred in police cars to the airport, so they wouldn’t miss their flight.

The brawl between the transportistas began right outside a recognized hotel of the Golden Mazatleca Zone, where a Minivan of Atamsa arrived to transfer some tourists; and as the driver tried to leave the parking lot, he was blocked by a Green Ecotaxis Van, it seemed like  there was no problem, but the tourists did not imagine that were going to be intercepted on Avenida Rafael Buelna by a group of Green Ecotaxis.

Police officers showed up minutes later, took control of the situation, talked to the people involved, and decided to take the tourists to the airport in police vehicles, so they wouldn’t miss their flight.

Photographs of the incident were posted on social networks and the fact that a bunch of tourists had to be taken to the airport in police patrol cars, shouldn’t be funny (but, it is).

The conflict between transportistas is still an issue in the city of Mazatlán, and unfortunately tourists who come to the destination to have a good time, are being affected by this problem.

The Mazatlan Post Newsroom