Mexico, the 8th most visited country in the world

Excellent news for national tourism industry! Mexico has made the 8th place of the 2017 Most Visited Countries ranking, made by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO).

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Despite, this has been previously announced by Enrique de la Madrid, minister of Tourism (Sectur), at the last edition of the Tianguis Turístico de México, it was not official until some days ago.

About it, Sectur said that the last year Mexico received 39 million of international travelers; this means that it was the second most visited destination in the American continent, the first position was taken by the United States.

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But this is not all; the ranking also shows that Mexico moved one position from the last year´s list due the increment of money through the tourism activities, which left around 19.6 billion dollars economic spill for the country.

The Ministry of Tourism also said that if this growing trend continues, it could mean that for the next year,Mexico may raise not just one position, but two at the international list.

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The UNWTO pointed out that the countries that received more tourists during 2016 were: France (86.2 millions), United States (77.5 millions), Spain (75.6 millions), China (59.3 millions), Italy (52.5 millions), United Kingdom (35.8 millions), Germany (35.6 millons), Thailand (32.6 millions) and Turkey.

Also, experts stated that theglobal tourism industry during the first quarter of 2017, has been the best in the last 12 years.

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Source: Mexico News Network