Passenger flow increases by 14% at the Mazatlán International Airport


In high season the influx is five thousand daily users and in low season four thousand

Mazatlán, Sin. – A growth of 14% in the flow of passengers over 2022 has been registered in the Mazatlán International Airport.

Eduardo Galindo, airport administrator, pointed out that this is very beneficial since 2022 had been the best year with a 25% growth in passenger flow compared to 2019, which was the reference year, and up to 31% over 2021.

He added that during high season the influx is 5,000 daily users and in low season 4,000 with an average of 20 to 22 flights a day.

“Mexico City is our main market, we are going to offer Santa Lucía (Felipe Ángeles International Airport) starting in July, Tijuana is coming and Monterrey continues to grow very positively and international seasonal flights,” he highlighted.

Regarding the remodeling that is being carried out at the aerodrome facilities, he mentioned that it is a reconfiguration of the entire terminal, including the bathrooms, inspection points, documentation counters and waiting areas to offer better service to customers.

In 2022, Sinaloa registered the arrival of 4 million 300 thousand 247 people by air, of which Mazatlán received one million 450 thousand 944 passengers (79.44% were of national origin and 20.56% foreign).

Compared to 2021, the number of passengers who arrived in Mazatlán had an increase of 31.18%.

Source: El Sol de Mazatlan