Mazatlan taxis will provide greater security to the passenger with cameras and a panic button in the unit


A project is coming where a camera will be placed inside the vehicle and in case a child is the passenger, parents will be able to monitor the road with a button that will be installed

Mazatlan, Sinaloa.- With the intention of being able to give more security and reliability to users of public transport (taxis), a project is being prepared where a camera will be installed inside the service unit, as well as a button, that will serve to monitor the trajectory of the taxi.

Alfredo Figueroa Hernández, Secretary General of Taxis Rojos, reported that as public transport they are concerned about providing a safe and reliable service, which is why meetings have been held with Miguel Loaiza Pérez, Director of Roads and Transportation, and the Government of the State of Sinaloa to be able to land the project.

The Secretary explained that the intention of putting the camera is to have direct communication with the Secretary of Public Security and that by means of the button the SSPM is alerted if he considers the user to be in danger.

Also, the button will help so that when the passenger is a minor, they can, through the button, indicate to their parents the path that they are traveling on their trip and this can provide parents with the security that the child is safe. .

“More security so that the family is calm”, highlighted Alfredo Figueroa.


The Mazatlan Post