It is a group of tourist service providers specialized in this niche of romance and in the attention of the LGBT+ community.
MAZATLAN.- Sinaloa joins the list of destinations that have a Tourism and Romance Cluster for the LGBT+ community, which will raise the quality of service.
The National Association of LGBT Commerce and Tourism of Mexico had come to Mazatlan before, pointing out that the community contributes around 5.6 percent to GDP in tourism, therefore, it was necessary to allocate and improve the service for this segment.
The undersecretary of Tourism Promotion and Operation of Sinaloa, Estrella Palacios Domínguez, explained that it was a course of approximately 20 hours in Mazatlan, where service providers, merchants, hoteliers, restaurateurs and others participated.
For his part, the president of the National Association of LGBT Trade and Tourism of Mexico, Mariano Osores Soler, the training course was to sensitize the business sector on LGBTTTIQ + tourism and romance issues.
“We have come to teach a 20-hour training and business awareness course with the aim of creating products, training entrepreneurs and creating the first LGBT tourism cluster in Sinaloa,” he said.
With this, he pointed out, there are already 20 clusters in Mexico, which speaks of the inclusion and continuous improvement of tourist services not in a few destinations, but in all of them.
“This is a group of tourism service providers specializing in this niche of romance, which will help raise awareness among businessmen about the need to generate products and jobs, we are working on various aspects so that Sinaloa becomes a much more inclusive of what it is,” he said.
Osores Soler added that training and raising awareness is part of real inclusion in the service since it is known that the northern states are still more conservative in this regard, but little by little, as in the case of Sinaloa, it will open up to be a destination completely gay-friendly.
He recognized that there is a lack of work on important public policy projects within Sinaloa since that generates that legal cushion that allows LGBT tourists to reach different destinations.
The LGBT community, according to data from the association, generates an economic income of almost 200 billion dollars; it is also estimated that in Mexico, the active community represents between 8 and 10 percent of the population and in Latin America, there are approximately 43 million people.