Narco capo Dámaso López “El Mini Lic” is released in the United States


It is pointed out that the “Mini Lic” is the presumed cause of the death of the Sinaloan journalist Javier Valdez.

Culiacán, Sinaloa.- According to the official website of the Federal Bureau of Prisons of the United States, on Friday, September 16 of this year, Dámaso López-Serrano, also known as the ” Mini Lic “, was released, the mini capo to whom the death is attributed . by the journalist Javier Valdez.

It was in January 2018 when, in a federal court hearing in the southern district of California in the United States, Dámaso López pleaded guilty to a charge related to drug trafficking.

This was held in the San Diego Correctional Center according to the sentence of Judge Dana Sabraw

The Liberation

Yesterday, Friday, September 17, a release hearing was held for the “ Mini Lic ”, which arrived 10 days after being postponed, in addition to being removed four days before the established date.

Judge Dana Sabraw sentenced the capo to “complete a period of time served ” which was interpreted as a short – term release.

Despite this, the public documents do not establish any way out of his period in prison, but instead indicate the 5 years of probation to which the detainee is subject.

The US protects murderers of journalists

On her Facebook account, Griselda Triana, Javier Valdez‘s wife, expressed her discomfort at the release of Dámaso López’s son “El Licenciado”, who will be placed in the protected witness program.

” The Mini Lic paid 100 thousand pesos to kill him (Javier Valdez), and now he works for the United States government, ” she said.

She also pointed out that the government of that country protects the murderers of journalists by allowing López Serrano to be admitted to the witness protection program.

Dámaso López Serrano, alias the Mini Lic, son of Dámaso López alias the Licentiate, ex-partner of drug trafficker Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán, and who is accused of being the murderer and mastermind of the attack against the Mexican journalist Javier Valdez, in the city of Culiacán, in the state of Sinaloa, in May 2017, should be tried in Mexico and extradited from the United States, assured Reporters Without Borders (RSF).

The organization asked the Mexican authorities to extradite to Mexico from the United States the son of Chapo’s godson, who is known to be a key part so that Emma Coronel and Chapo Guzmán himself ended up behind bars.

“The demand for justice is not only for the perpetrators of the crime. There is still the criminal process against the alleged intellectual author, who also has to be brought before the Mexican courts of justice; (…) as long as that does not happen, the case will continue to go unpunished,” the organization said in a statement.

Reporters Without Borders pointed out that the crime has not been solved, so the main suspect must face the Mexican justice system to clarify the case almost 4 years after the journalist’s murder.

The organization recalled that in January 2020 an arrest warrant was formalized in Mexico against Mini Lic, the alleged intellectual author of the crime, but they consider that “it is not yet clear what the strategy” of the Prosecutor’s Office is to achieve extradition.

As for the material authors of the homicide, they admitted that there is progress since on February 27, 2020 Heriberto Picos, alias el Koala, was sentenced to 14 years in prison, while Juan Francisco, alias el Quillo, has a process that began the last May 4, through an oral trial.

The journalist is remembered 4 years after his murder

Friends and relatives of the journalist Javier Valdez, assassinated on May 15, 2017 in Culiacán, Sinaloa, unveiled a bust in his memory and on the fourth anniversary of his death.

The unveiling of the bust where a plaque with the legend “Never silence” is read, was in the Cathedral of Culiacán. The journalist’s wife, Griselda Triana, and her children, Tania and Francisco, were at the ceremony.

Triana stressed that the event coincides with the oral trial against one of the murderers, Juan Francisco Picos Barrueto.

“What Javier’s murderers should know is that neither my children nor I are going to give up, we will fight so that their crime does not go unpunished,” he told local media.


The Mazatlan Post