Surpassing forecasts, Mazatlán’s Century 21 Grupo Oro celebrates its 30th anniversary


The founder Óscar Luis Orozco, founder of Century 21 Grupo Oro highlighted the challenges that have had to be faced during these years of experience in the real estate sector.

What began as an act of stubbornness has now paid off and Century 21 Grupo Oro is one of the most important real estate agencies in the state that turns 30 years old, all thanks to the drive of its founder Óscar Luis Orozco.

The founder recalled how 30 years ago, when he started with this franchise, he started in the face of the negative prognosis that he had with a market study carried out.

“We did a market study and from that study, it showed us that we were going to fail completely, that is, that the market was not there, nor were the people prepared to receive the services that a franchise represented,” he said.

$!Exceeding forecasts, Century 21 Grupo Oro celebrates its 30th anniversary in Sinaloa

“But they call me the stubborn one, and then I said yes, when everyone said no, and obviously we spent two years doing the service without earning income, losing money, but from the third year on, we began the long journey, and today day after 30 years we are the only office in the Century 21 system, where we charge 7 percent”.

In times of pandemic, he highlighted that Century 21 Grupo Oro grew by 300 percent, as they dedicated themselves to further training and seeking to provide a better service.

“We learned to do it based on electronic means, something that other offices of the same kind closed, for fear of contagion,” he said.

In general terms, the numbers of Century 21 at the national level went up, achievements that others did not have, he said.

Among the challenges is the training of more than 800 real estate consultants, thus obtaining their training.

They changed the way of doing business in real estate and giving advice, putting first the interest of the owner and the needs that each sector has.

The founder invited the population that is interested in acquiring a property to approach with someone trained, who can provide useful information.

“Look for an advisor, not only does it have to be Century 22, if you come with Century 21 welcome, a trained advisor who guides you to make the best acquisition, which is the best heritage there can be, for the human being, after food, the first basic need you have is the question of housing”.

21 thousand 221 operations have been carried out within Grupo Oro, an achievement that is very difficult for any real estate company.

Currently Century 21 Grupo Oro, is located in Culiacán, Mazatlán and Los Mochis.

At the national level, there are 234 offices at the level with a presence in all the states of the Mexican Republic with more than 4 thousand collaborators.

$!Exceeding forecasts, Century 21 Grupo Oro celebrates its 30th anniversary in Sinaloa

Yoli Orozco, director of Grupo Oro in Culiacán, pointed out that she started charging 7 percent for the activity 30 years ago.

“We do not sell houses, we advise the client so that they have a better option to buy, sell, invest,” he commented.

For these 30 years, Century Grupo Oro will have various activities with its clients and advisors, as well as special guests.

Mazatlan office location below

The Mazatlan Post