Cargo ships coming to Mazatlan due to saturated Pacific ports


Increases activity and work in the fiscal dock and with it the need to invest in infrastructure

MAZATLÁN.- Port activity in the country is increasing, so much so that ports like Manzanillo, in Colima, no longer have space to receive and store more cargo; that’s where Mazatlán is coming to the rescue, receiving those loads that have nowhere to go. 

Emilio Hernández Kelly, president of the Integral Port Community, mentioned that port work is growing significantly, however, it is still below the maximum capacity that can be received in Mazatlán, but without a doubt, this increase will be a good sign for authorities consider resources to improve infrastructure. 

“Currently the terminal reports a lot of work, however there is a logistics capacity of the port and it is still below its capacity, right now we are at 4 million tons between what is moved, but the port capacity is more,” he declared. 

Currently, Hernández Kelly pointed out that Mazatlán, as a cargo port, has not yet emerged, it is between the sixth and seventh place of cargo, well below Manzanillo, with a cargo capacity above 14 million tons. 

They are followed by Veracruz, with about 12 million tons of capacity; Lázaro Cárdenas, with 14 million tons as well; Altamira, with an average handling of 500 thousand containers, and Ensenada, with 244 thousand 265 TEUs. 

According to statistics from the General Coordination of Ports and Merchant Marine of the Ministry of Communications and Transportation, around 3 million 668 thousand 938 containers were operated by the Pacific ports. This represented a contraction of 10.7 percent with respect to the 4 million 107 thousand 044 TEUs, operated between January and October 2019.

Of these, Ensenada was the only one that did not present negative figures, due to its proximity to the United States and that they never closed its port for the reception of vessels, it had an increase of 13.6 percent, with 316 thousand 572 TEUs, according to figures of the SCT in the period from January to October of last year.

But, what capacity does Mazatlán have, is it going to saturate?

For the businessman Hernández Kelly, despite this increase in port activity, Mazatlán still needs to become saturated, however, if it continues like this, it will happen in the medium term.

“Perhaps in the medium term, that is, if in 10 years we do nothing, then if we are going to saturate,” he said.


The Mazatlan Post