Mazatlan announces anti-pothole program


In the case of some sections of streets in poor condition that fall under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Communications and Transportation, the mayor assured that their participation is imperative because the restoration of some sections is necessary.

Mazatlán, Sinaloa.- The municipal mayor of Mazatlán, Luis Guillermo Benítez Torres, announced that he will soon begin with a patching program on some streets of the urban area, which due to the rains have deteriorated considerably.

“In different parts of the city (we have found potholes), they are a consequence of the rains and we are going to re-cover a large avenue, which is urgent; the continuation of the Rotarismo, towards the Juarez Bridge ”, explained the municipal mayor.

streets to remodel

In the case of some sections of streets in poor condition that fall under the jurisdiction or perish of the Ministry of Communications and Transportation, he assured that their participation is imperative because the restoration of some sections is necessary.

streets to remodel

“Wait until the federal secretariats do not do part of their work because we have to enter it because, in the end, the criticism is for the municipal government,” he added.

Regarding his next and last report of the Government of the current administration, he announced that it will be on October 18, however, he refused to provide a preview of the highlights during the last year of management.


The Mazatlan Post