Mazatlan will install anti-COVID filters at their entrances


Are you planning to go to Mazatlán? Don’t forget your mask! 

They ask tourists who arrive to pay attention and use the mouth cover, while those in restaurants, bars, and clubs respect the percentage of allowed capacity, which is 45%

Mazatlán, Sinaloa.- As of Thursday, Mazatlán will have sanitary filters against COVID-19 in its accesses to the city, mainly in the south, it will be mounted with greater rigor, in order to maintain strict control of the entry of visitors and comply with the norms, announced Eloy Ruiz Gastélum

The coordinator of Civil Protection in the port said that in these actions elements of the National Guard will be added, as well as other corporations that will help in the filters and where people will be asked to abide by the recommendations, mainly on the use of face masks and maintain healthy distance without generating agglomerations in the port

Solicitan intervención de la GN para uso de cubrebocas en Mazatlán

He reiterated that the restrictions are precise for all establishments such as bars, clubs, and restaurants, where the capacity allowed to these places is 45 percent of their total capacity, therefore, if they do not comply with this measure, they will have harsh penalties, even until the suspension of their business for three days and if not the definitive closure.

Ruiz Gastélum pointed out that the use of a mask is mandatory both on public roads and in closed spaces, such as shopping malls or recreational places since the purpose is to reduce the chain of contagion of COVID-19 as much as possible that in the last weeks it rebounded rapidly in the port.

He said that for now, the beaches remain open, but under monitoring, in which they seek to avoid crowds, so after 8:00 p.m. they are closed to the public, they will define the actions to take into account in lodging centers where reservations have also been reduced or tourists postpone their visit to other dates.


The Mazatlan Post