The millionaire seizure operation occurred last Friday, April 24th, the bust was carreid out by the military and state police in the city of Culiacán.
Culiacan, Sinaloa.- After a strong operation in which agents of the Mexican Army and the State Preventive Police were coordinated, it was possible to secure in aproperty located in the Stanza Torralba sector two tons of methamphetamine.
The house is located in front of a park on Solana Street, almost on the corner with Jose Vasconcelos Boulevard, east of Culiacán.
Armored and artillery units were positioned in this area, as well as patrol cars of the State Preventive Police that closed several streets around the area to create a security perimeter.

Personnel from the Attorney General’s Office searched the property after a judge’s order was issued. Inside the two-story house, approximately two tons of its liquid and solid substance with the characteristics of methamphetamine were allegedly located.
This bust would be a major blow to organized crime since the price per kilogram of this type of drug on the US market amounts to $ 10,000 USD and reaches up to 100,000 USD per kilo in countries like Australia.
Source: Debate