633 schools will be enabled as Community Learning Centers in Sinaloa


In the event of a case of contagion by Covid-19, the infected area will be closed and the group will be isolated for 14 days

Sinaloa.- A total of 633 schools will be enabled as Community Learning Centers (CCA ) in Sinaloa and will open their doors tomorrow, Monday, for the attention of students at risk of dropping out of school at all educational levels, announced the Secretary of Education, Juan Alfonso Mejía López.

He indicated that these community centers were installed with the accompaniment of the Ministry of Health in Sinaloa, and as one more option to combat the risk of school dropout that has been detected in 1 in 10 children and young people in the state.

The state official explained that on April 12, in a session of the School Technical Council (CTE), the teachers discussed the possibility of installing a CCA in their school and later raised it with the families. After a consensus between each of the members of the educational community, they would determine that the school would participate in the strategy.

Subsequently, Coepriss would undertake training via zoom for parents, as well as staff of educational facilities in compliance with the cleaning and disinfection guidelines.

“It is voluntary, it is not mandatory for the teacher, nor for the mother of the family. If the educational community considers that it is an option for them, then, as of April 26, it would be happening. Very important, as long as the state epidemiological traffic light is yellow. The Community Learning Centers do not represent a return or reopening, it is one more option against dropping out of school ”, he emphasized.

Mejía López explained that face-to-face and voluntary counseling will be given to students who require personalized attention due to academic lag or due to a socio-emotional situation. These are schools of all educational levels, from initial to higher, in public and private modalities.

In the event of a case of contagion by Covid-19, the infected area will be closed and the group that was in direct contact with the affected person will be isolated for 14 days.

The Secretary of Education in Sinaloa recalled that on March 31 the operational guidelines were published in the official Sinaloa newspaper, which gives legal certainty to the CCA.

10 key points of the CCA

  • They do not represent a return to face-to-face classes.
  • It is one more option to combat school dropout.
  • They will open only with a yellow epidemiological state traffic light.
  • They will be launched only from April 26.
  • They are endorsed by the State Health Commission.
  • They will be carried out on a voluntary basis by the educational community.
  • They will only have nine students per teacher.
  • The group will attend interspersed, that is, one week yes and one no.
  • They will last no longer than two hours per day.
  • They will have all the health protocols when entering and leaving the classrooms.

Source: elsoldemazatlan.com.mx

The Mazatlan Post