Some of them travel at excess speed on the bicycle lanes that exist in the port
Mazatlán, Sinaloa.- In the city of Mazatlán there are several kilometers of bicycle lanes, but many cyclists do not respect the regulations.
When making a tour of the Avenida del Mar bike path, it was observed that some cyclists were circulating at very high speeds despite the fact that on one side of that rúa it is a pedestrian zone, but they did not slow down when they reached the area. pedestrian that you have to cross the boardwalk.
Any user who uses that space for safety when reaching a pedestrian zone has to stop if the flow of people is many and must stop completely until everyone passes.
It was also observed that many of them do not use helmets, which is very important when using the bicycle, but if they use headphones, which is prohibited for all cyclists and more so when they make this route in urban areas.
Some of the regulations for people who use bicycle lanes are to respect all traffic rules, among them is not to jump the traffic lights, not to drive in the opposite direction, to control the speed at which you travel so as not to expose pedestrians, use reflectors or position lights and if possible carry a bell to make the presence of the cyclist known.
It is also not allowed to travel by bicycle after drinking alcohol or listening to music with headphones.