Mazatlan trust that the pandemic is more controlled for the Caribbean Series


Venados Baseball Club continues to prepare to carry out the event

For the manager of the Mazatlán Venados Club, Ismael Barros Cebreros, there is confidence that the pandemic will be more controlled on the dates when the Caribbean Series takes place, which will be from January 31 to February 6.

“We are working 100 percent, we have every confidence that in this part of the pandemic it will be increasingly controlled and from now on in three months we will be in different conditions,” he reported.

The danger of how we are going to be in the contagion of civid-19 on those dates, Barros Cebrero, expressed that it is something uncertain for everyone.

“Suddenly we heard about the possibility of a vaccine so that we felt more confident of it happening.”

Ismael Barros stressed that the only thing we can do for now is what is in our hands, which are the health protocols.


The Mazatlan Post