Do you want Carnival in Mazatlan? Mayor already has a date to vote

The Mayor of Mazatlán has already sent a document to the INE for authorization and they are only waiting for a response from the federal agency to apply it

Mazatlán, Sinaloa.- The Mayor of Mazatlán, Luis Guillermo Benítez Torres, announced that the Citizen Consultation to see if the Mazatlán International Carnival 2021 takes place could be the last Sunday in November.

Carnaval Internacional de Mazatlán

“We have already sent a document to the INE so that they approve the Citizen Consultation, to see if there is a carnival or not,” he reported.

Benítez Torres commented that they are waiting for the response from the federal agency, and waiting if the query can be applied on the last Sunday in November.

The Mazatlan International Carnival, ‘Lanao’ A Journey in Time would take place from Thursday, February 11 to Tuesday, February 16 of the same month of 2021


The Mazatlan Post