Reports of dangerous situations for women and robberies in the Urías neighborhood and surrounding areas in Mazatlan


These publications have caused an alert among the population without the authority mentioning something about it.

Mazatlán, Sinaloa.- Several rumors about dangerous situations have been made public through Facebook in various groups in Mazatlán.

The first situation is a publication that alerts women about kidnapping in the Urías neighborhood.

“There has been an increase in attempts to kidnap women as part of a news item that says they are paying $ 10,000 per woman,” published a page of missing persons, which at the same time confirms the disappearance of a woman yesterday, 13 October.

The second situation is a publication that has been shared several times about an attempted robbery of a house in the urbivilla area.

“A lady is stealing, she makes the pretext that they let her into their homes, she is about 60 or 70 years old,” the publication reads.

None of the publications has been confirmed by the authorities, as they have not said anything about it or reported on cases that have to do with kidnapping or robbery.

However, in all publications the population is asked to be alert and take care of themselves while the authorities report something on both issues.


The Mazatlan Post