Mazatlan will have a water treatment plant and two new sewage treatment plants by the end of the year


MAZATLÁN.- The urban development that the city is showing is unprecedented, especially in terms of hydro-sanitary infrastructure, since at the end of this year there will be a new water treatment plant and two new wastewater treatment plants, said the engineer Luis Gerardo Núñez Gutiérrez, in charge of the office of the General Management of Jumapam.

The foregoing was said when holding an information meeting with the Mazatlan media, who were interested in interviewing him due to his recent appointment as head of the largest paramunicipal of the Government of Mazatlán, after the unfortunate death of engineer Ismael Tiznado Ontiveros, which occurred last September 27th.

“The development of Mazatlán is something surprising, on the one hand, there is the pandemic, but on the other the transformation that the city is having, a transformation in which Jumapam goes hand in hand because we are going to end the year with a new water treatment plant in Miravalles and two new treatment plants with Urías 1 and Urías 2, there is no going back, ”said Núñez Gutiérrez.

A punto de terminar la construcción de la Planta Potabilizadora Miravalles
water treatment plant Maravalles

He stressed that in the midst of the financial crisis generated by the pandemic, Jumapam has adhered to the work guidelines established by Mayor Luis Guillermo Benitez Torres to continue working without borrowing and has maintained its operation, even carried out emergent works, such as the case of the replacement of more than 6 kilometers of collectors and sub-collectors of the drainage system, in addition to providing greater maintenance to the city’s drinking water supply lines, all to provide Mazatlán with the services that it so badly needs.

La planta de tratamiento de Urías 2, en Mazatlán con 99% de avance
sewage treatment plants

In that sense, he cited that various social awareness campaigns have been launched, highlighting one focused on improving the use that the population makes of the drainage system and promoting the payment of services, since Jumapam cannot do everything, but rather it needs the population to maintain its operations, which will have a significant boost with the start-up of the three new plants.


The Mazatlan Post