The sun has not risen for Mazatlan’s green taxi drivers, ‘we have to eat’, they say


They urge citizens to use the taxi service, as they must support their families

Mazatlán, Sinaloa.- For the line of green Eco-taxis in Mazatlán, the sun has not risen, as they continue to receive little monetary income due to the health emergency, therefore, some taxi drivers ask citizens to continue using the service because they argue “we all have to eat.”

The ravages that the labor and economic crisis caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus continues to be present even with this new normal, such is the case of the operators of this transport service.

Taxis verdes lanzan nueva APP “Apply Taxi”; buscan competir con Uber. -

“The work is the same, it is still the same, people have left a little but we are still doing badly … there is no money flow, that is, you see people outside but they are not buying, they are not taking the service, it is poor because everyone we have to eat ”, mentioned Jesús“ N ”, operator.

They recognized that most people are in debt just as they are, since in order to survive many resorted to loans, however, what has affected them the most has been the loss of workers, in addition to the fact that the service no longer costs to pay debts.

“A lot of people borrowed and right now they are paying what they borrowed; we have a decline in drivers, they left for the same need, when the good news of the pandemic was there, there were three clients that you had all day, and if you had four it was a good day for you, ”argued another taxi driver.

Although the port has resumed its tourist activities, this has not represented an economic benefit for them, so they urge citizens to use the taxi service as it is important to support their families.

Ecotaxis Verdes, Eduardo Valdez Vizcarra 820, Ciudad Mazatlán (2020)

ApplyTaxi of Ecotaxis Verdes is a 100% Mazatleca APP tailored to the citizenship, without cancellation fees and without dynamic fees.

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