Protesters try to set fire to the door of the Government Palace, in Morelia (video)


It should be noted that the people who did the damage are a small group of hooded women

Hallan sin vida el cuerpo de Jessica González en Michoacán; protestan en  calles de Morelia | Videos - La Neta Neta
justice for Jessica González

Morelia, Michoacán.- After the march on Saturday afternoon to demand justice for Jessica González, a young woman murdered in Morelia, a group of hooded women tried to set fire to the door of the Government Palace, which is why the grenadiers had to intervene.

Video Feministas protestan en Palacio Nacional, piden justicia ante  feminicidios –

The situation provoked an attack against the riot police that were guarding the access to the Government Palace. Media reporters were also injured at the scene.

It should be noted that the people who did the damage are a small group of hooded women, despite the shouts of the other contingents that it was a peaceful demonstration. So far, the various contingents have withdrawn.

Intentan prender fuego a la puerta de Palacio de Gobierno

The march was called by the Michoacán Feminist Collective Network, starting from the sources of Las Tarascas to the Government Palace.


Michoacan Post