Mazatlan potholes overwhelm public works department


Director of Public Works assures that the brigades and the repair work of streets and avenues were doubled

Mazatlan, Sinaloa.- Director of Public Works municipal, Juan de Dios Garay Velázquez, acknowledged that the effects of rainfall on streets and avenues during this surpassed season the program of patching that was done in the city, so they doubled the brigades and the amount of asphalt concrete that is applied to repair them.

He said that before they worked with a brigade of 10 people and placed between 6 and 10 cubic meters of asphalt concrete per day, but given the damage caused by recent rains, it was decided to increase to two brigades of 10 to 15 people each to place up to 14 cubic meters a day.

The streets are full of potholes. 

He commented that among the avenues with the greatest impact from the rains are Grabriel Leyva and Insurgentes, in which work has already been done on the repair of the folder, with crews that required up to 30 people.

“We have doubled the brigades, instead of one, we are working on the patching with two, this is the circumstance right now and we are at all we give, in some parts the effect of rain on the asphalt concrete mainly exceeds us, we are trying replace them, ” he said.

He said that prior to the rains, an average of 20 to 30 cubic meters of asphalt cement was applied per week, which represented an investment of 60 to 90 thousand pesos. Currently, a day between 10 and 14 cubic meters of asphalt cement are applied, which means an amount of 30,000 to 42,000 pesos a day.

He insisted that the patching program is an effort that the municipal government carries out constantly throughout the year and that this program is not exclusive to some areas or roads, but to all the avenues and streets of Mazatlán, but that it mainly serves those that they show more deterioration due to the rains that currently occur.


The Mazatlan Post