Cancun police officer among fatalities after man opens fire on Policía Ministerial

Cancun, Q.R. — A Cancun police officer was among the fatalities from a Friday night shootout when two men inside a building opened fire on entering officers. The shootout happened in Region 239 of Cancun when police officers arrived at a home with a search warrant.

Upon their arrival, officers were met with gunfire that resulted in one officer being hit in the chest. Officers repelled, killing one of the men from inside the home.

The deceased Policía Ministerial officer has been identified as Commander Ricardo Ruiz Ordaz who was part of Fiscalía Especializada en Atención al Narcomenudeo (FEAN) drug team. Ruiz Ordaz was shot upon entering the home. He was rushed to hospital where he died shortly after arriving.

The FGE has confirmed the death of the officer, offering condolences to his family. “We regret the death of our dear colleague Ricardo Ruiz Ordaz during the fulfillment of his duty in favor of the procurement of justice. Our deepest condolences to your family. Rest in peace.”

Police arrested two men and two women from inside the home. They also seized various weapons and drugs. The deceased shooter has not been identified.


The Mazatlan Post