Surfers, first to enter the sea after Mazatlan beaches and hotels reopen

Mazatlan Sinaloa; July 1, 2020.- As soon as the reopening flag was given, the first entered the sea. It was the surfers who took advantage of the good waves that were registered on the coasts.

The same thing was done by the swimmers from the north beach who came to do their practices, suspended more than three months ago.
In front of the monkeys bichis a family came to bathe, several more were also on Los Pinitos beach.

Reporteros Asociados - De Mazatlán para el mundo.

In the hotels, the workers carried out cleaning and sanitation, awaiting the arrival of guests, they will only operate at forty percent of their capacity.

The lighthouse, one of the tourist attractions, also reopened, with strict preventive measures, as there is a filter in the access.
But the entrance to the breakwater, which is another visitor site, the police maintain the barrier so that you do not enter cars or people, when that place should already be unobstructed.

Playas de Mazatlán 2020 - Guía de información de Playa, deportes ...


The Mazatlan Post