Mazatlan Baseball and Soccer Stadiums will not be concessioned out


* Mazatlan public sports spaces will not charge a single peso

We are going to return the baseball stadium “Teodoro Mariscal” and the “Benito Juárez” Sports Unit into the hands of the Mazatlecos and they will not be “concessioned”;  at the Sports Unit we are not going to charge a single peso for doing sports and neither in the other sports fields of the city, said the mayor of Mazatlán, Luis Guillermo Benítez Torres when clarifying that he will keep the citizen council at the sports fields of the Juárez.

Regarding the benefits that the new soccer stadium will leave and bringing a national team, the official said that the property was built with federal and state resources but will be delivered to the municipality. “It is a world-class stadium, we are proud of the stadium and the new team; everything will give a new impetus to Mazatlán throughout the country; Mazatlán is an important city and people from all over the state will come to support the team; it is a fact that the stadium will belong to the municipality ”, he pointed out.

In a press conference, in other questions the municipal Benítez Torres said that it is not a time for political campaigns and less for personal promotions of public officials; Everyone has the right to aspire to a position of popular election, but these are not the dates to do so and whoever wants too run will give me their resignation.

He rejected that the city is opaque in the use of resources and that “we are better than before” and with greater transparency in public spending.

On the comments made by the deputy of the PT, Mario González Sánchez, of infecting people with COVID 19, Benítez Torres rejected these statements


The Mazatlan Post