Mazatlan neighbors of Monte Verde agree on a strategy to supply water


Mazatlán.- Starting this week Jumapam will be sending 120 thousand liters of drinking water daily to the Monte Verde subdivision, the construction company will also take that amount to the elevated tank and make a pipe available to the inhabitants, who for several weeks have had problems with the supply of the vital liquid.

The General, Commercial and Operations management met with representatives of the committee of settlers of the Monte Verde subdivision and the representative of the construction company GIG in Mazatlán, to work in the search for alternatives to solve the problem that this settlement presents, which it should be noted that it was built outside the urban development plan of the city.

“That subdivision should not have been built there, but it is done, and we have to help it, the instruction of our municipal President is: give water to people who need it. Based on that, we are trying to solve the problem that exists and it was agreed that GIG is going to bring a daily pipe to the service of the settlers, apart from the 120 thousand liters a day that Jumapam will be sending to Monte Verde, “he explained. the engineer Ismael Tiznado Ontiveros, general manager of Jumapam.

He stressed that it is very regrettable that despite the fact that on October 11, 2014, the paramunicipal issued an opinion where it did not provide the feasibility of services, and warned that the Monte Verde project site was outside the Urban Development Plan of Mazatlán, therefore that it did not have the hydro-sanitary infrastructure to provide them with drinking water and drainage services, however, it was authorized by the Cabildo “city council”, which allowed the construction of up to 600 houses and the company built 850 units, further aggravating the situation.

“There are a series of anomalies that were previously allowed, right now we are trying to regulate that, but while we regulate the legal we are going to give them water in a possible way so that people are no longer suffering from lack of water,” added the official. municipal.

Another achievement of the work meeting was that the Technical Department of GIG contacted the Physical Planning Management to start developing a project that would give a definitive solution to the water supply, to which the families that inhabit the division.

In this sense, Jumapam also took the measure of no longer making new service contracts in this subdivision, as long as there is no certainty that it will be able to supply drinking water.


The Mazatlan Post