Mazatlan citizens complain of sewage dumping on Playa Norte

Mazatlan.- In response to a citizen complaint about the alleged dumping of sewage into the sea in the North Beach area, and at the instruction of the mayor Luis Benítez, Jumapam, Ecology and the Operator and Administrator of Beaches (OAP) joined efforts to analyze the problem and implement a solution.

Jorge Contreras Nuñez, director of the OAP, pointed out that in the indicated area, no irregular discharge of wastewater was found, and clarified that this area is one of the dirtiest due to the fishing activity that takes place there.

“The municipal Mayor, Benítez Torres is attentive to all citizen complaints. A report of a water leak of a discharge going to the sea. But it is a leak of clean water, drinking water, not sewage. Jumapam is already working on this issue, ”explained the head of the OAP.

For his part, the general manager of Jumapam, Ismael Tiznado Ontiveros, mentioned that the report is dealt with by specialized team to solve the problem that is not old, as the complaining party said.

“Last night, when the information reaches me, I personally went to see, I grab the water and realize that it is not black water, it is a leak. Right now in the morning, our staff is walking with special equipment to detect leaks, which are under the ground, and we are already doing that, to detect that leak that connects to the storm drain. It is already on the way to be solved. As soon as we detect the leak, we will send you the complete information ”, he mentioned.

Tiznado Ontiveros added that thanks to the review that was carried out, it was observed that near the place if there is another discharge to the storm drain, but apparently it comes from a construction, which is also already being investigated to proceed accordingly.

The director of municipal ecology, María de Lourdes San Juan Gallardo, also participated in the supervision of Playa Norte, where samples of the water that was reaching the sea were taken, as were staff from the Oficialía Mayor.


The Mazatlan Post