Need groceries? Check out supermarkets’ working hours in Mexico


The Ministry of Health estimates that Mexico will reach the peak of infections in the epidemic curve this week and noted that it is important that people continue to comply with the recommendations for voluntary isolation so that these projections are met.

The objective is that, at the beginning of June, all Mexican states can gradually return to resume their activities. However, the purchase of food and groceries continues to be one of the necessary tasks for citizens, so we share with you a series of recommendations to carry out your purchases as well as the hours of the main supermarkets.

One of the essential activities for the economy during this COVID-19 pandemic has been the sale of food and products in supermarkets, so it is recommended to buy responsibly, as well as doing it one person per family. Likewise, it is important that people with greater vulnerability to SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19), remain in their homes.

Who are the most vulnerable people against Coronavirus?

The most recent figures from the Ministry of Health indicate that there are more than 2,000 deaths from COVID-19 and the case fatality rate exceeds 9%. Therefore, the health authorities have indicated to the groups of people that they must be more careful to avoid contagion.

First, there are those adults over 65 years old, since this disease can cause severe damage to the lungs. Subsequently, there are those who suffer from the main comorbidities associated with deaths from Coronavirus in Mexico: hypertension, obesity, diabetes and COPD.

Recommendations for purchases in supermarkets before the COVID-19

The most important thing is to stay calm and avoid panic shopping. Carrying toilet paper, mouth-covers and antibacterial gel until the cart overflows is not good for anyone and only creates shortages. Take what is necessary for you and your family.

Assign a person to go get the groceries. This avoids unnecessary crowds within the commercial establishments and helps to maintain a healthy distance.

Wash your hands before and after going to the supermarket.

As far as possible, it is advisable to keep a healthy distance. This means a separation of at least 1.5 meter (5 feet) between yourself and other people.

Do not take food directly with your hands, much less put it back where it was once touched.

If possible, use electronic means of payment such as credit cards to avoid using bills and coins.

Supermarket working hours in Mexico: