Mazatlan Civil Protection warns and urges citizens to report social gatherings


Mazatlan Sinaloa.- Social gatherings or family parties in the municipality are not allowed within the healthy distance campaign that is implemented in the presence of the COVID-19 coronavirus, warned the coordinator of municipal Civil Protection, Eloy Ruiz Gastélum.

For this reason, he urged citizens to denounce the places where the call to avoid meetings is visibly not being fulfilled and the risk of a massive spread of the disease that has claimed thousands of lives around the world prevail.

He indicated that on Saturday the accusations made by people in various neighborhoods and subdivisions of the citizenry were heeded, where awareness raising was carried out, and they were invited to withdraw.

“The complaints are being attended to, the reports where the citizen is expressing that different social meetings are taking place and the necessary provisions are being taken, and one of them is to keep a healthy distance. They have been talked to, they are told why, why not. The invitation is that we do not do it, that we remember that one of the main factors is that it is possible areas (meetings) to have contact with a person who is infected are social events, family gatherings, “he said.

Eloy Ruiz Gastélum reiterated that both the elements of Civil Protection, Public Security, Traffic and Senior Officials primarily dialogue in the indicated places of not complying with the recommendation to maintain a healthy distance since they are betting on awareness.

For complaints or accusations, you can call 9-1-1, through the Mazatlán APP or on the phone 6699-86-81-26 of the Ministry of Public Security.


The Mazatlan Post