The story behind the heart of the Hotel Hacienda in Mazatlan

Hotel Hacienda has become a very popular hotel in Mazatlan because in each popular holiday, it illuminates its facade with a figure alluding to the celebration and one of those figures is a heart.

You, have you ever wondered where the idea of ​​“Hotel Hacienda” illuminated its facade with a big heart came from?

The idea was born from the mind of a guest, who ordered red spotlights to be placed in some rooms to form the figure of a heart and thus propose marriage to his beloved on February 14.

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From that day, Hotel Hacienda chose to place the heart as a tradition every February, quickly the beautiful heart was part of the culture of Mazatlan

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On other holidays not only the heart is projected but also the flag of Mexico and Christmas tree

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Cancer awareness

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The Mazatlan Post