Mazatlan mercado tenants are asked to be taken into account for remodeling


General Secretary of the market Pino Suárez said that the project is unknown, but the number of dealers should be respected in case of any change

Resultado de imagen de mercado municipal José María Pino Suárez

Mazatlan, Sinaloa.- The general secretary of the board of the municipal market José María Pino Suárez, Alejandro Ontiveros Arámburo, spoke about the remodeling project that the mayor of Mazatlan, Luis Guillermo Benítez Torres published in his social networks, for which he said he did not know any change by the Municipality so far.

Resultado de imagen de mercado municipal José María Pino Suárez

“We only know this project through the media, we have not been informed by the City Council to inform us about what this remodeling consists of, the only thing we know is that some photographs of a market that exists in the city of Madrid were presented that it is the market of San Miguel, it is a historic and beautiful market, but we have knowledge there, “he said.

Resultado de imagen de mercado municipal José María Pino Suárez

He added that any change to the market, which has a life of 121 years in Mazatlan as a historical point, is good for the tenants, however, he recommended that business owners be informed and taken into account to make decisions, and so Respect the number of dealers that exist so far.

10 02 spanish type market

“Any process of remodeling the market is very good, it is welcome, as long as it does not damage the interests of the tenants who work here inside, that we are around 300 tenants; we would ask that in any project or idea about of remodeling, we are taken into account and that our rights as tenants and concessionaires are not violated, “he said.

The Pino Suárez Market in Mazatlan: an icon subject to the vagaries of the “Mercado”

Resultado de imagen de mercado municipal José María Pino Suárez

In this magnificent image of 1950 of the Municipal Market Pino Suárez de Mazatlán, captured by the lens and sharp vision of the excellent photographer Pérez, notice the serious damage that already the messy commerce had been doing to this invaluable place, even, advertising in the part superior shows us that it was more important than the property itself. As now in 2020

  • We should well know; authorities, tenants and Mazatlecos in general, that not everything is works, or remodeling in this iconic place, we firmly believe that the true solutions to their different problems lie in the fact that the parties involved become aware, first of the value of this architectural jewel and, second, derived from this awareness, all trade is reordered, in particular the aberrant from abroad. If not, we will continue in the same trend of decades and decades ago and we will not leave the same, a market that is sad

One of the historical and tourist icons of Mazatlan, the municipal market Pino Suárez, same as its structure and characteristics give it a unique character and value and, therefore, should be a model of trade, in the that authorities, tenants and Mazatlecos, put special attention and care in everything that happens around it.

But, a curse seems to have been empowered within it, since historically it is the tenants themselves who generally always disagree, see if not:

-On May 5, 1899 the Governor of the State of Sinaloa, Don Francisco Cañedo attended the inauguration of the then called Mercado Manuel Romero Rubio, but disagreements between the tenants who would occupy the property prevented the doors from opening and it was not until a year later, on May 5, 1900, when the Mazatlecos finally had their market ”.

As you could see, from the bowels of the market the forces that always generate conflicts arise, which in many cases, if not all, are stirred by the authorities in turn. This evil combination of tenants found among themselves and of sugar authorities has generated multiple conflicts that have always led to the deterioration of the image, functionality, competitiveness and efficient wasting of the great potential of this tourist attraction.

Municipal markets, like ours, are, in essence, a window that shows our character, our way of life, our environment, in short, they reflect, and in a way that is clear to some extent, what and how we are.

Therefore, in some places in Mexico and the world, these sites, considered as living entities, have evolved in many ways, some have specialized in gastronomy, others in commerce, some more in art and the sum of the previous two , that is, they evolve according to the character of the city in which they are settled and that of their inhabitants.

1950 Pino Suarez Mazatlan Market

With sorrow we have to say that ours has not done so far. And do not get confused, one thing is the bailouts, remodeling and adjustments to which the Suarez Pine is subjected from time to time, and another very different one that evolves into a living entity and a reflection of Mazatlan. There is a chasm of difference in it and, so far, we also have a chasm between what we are and what we should be in Pino Suarez.

There is a popular saying that says: “According to the nest, it is the bird.” And if we apply this saying to what Pino Suarez looks like, at least in his foreign trade. Surely many will not want or want to be Mazatleco birds.


The Mazatlan Post