The woman was executed, it was not a robbery says Mazatlan Mayor

Leave it to the State Prosecutor to do the job and clarify why they killed her, but regrets that the first femicide of this 2020 is registered in the port

Mazatlan, Sinaloa.- The fact recorded on El Paseo del Centenario at dawn on Saturday in the port of Mazatlan, is clearly a direct execution against the woman who lost her life, according to the first versions and the way in which she presented, said Luis Guillermo Benítez Torres.

The mayor of Mazatlan regretted that once again, a woman is involved in this fact, but it will be the responsibility of the State Prosecutor to carry out the corresponding inquiries of the motive that took the life of a person, in one of the tourist areas of Mazatlan.

“It was an execution of those who get used to people who engage in this type of activity, not a common assault, they came directly to kill her, to execute her; it is a crime that depends directly on the Prosecutor’s Office, we already have the declaration of the companion, and he says that at no time they came to assault them, they came to kill the lady, to shoot her ”.

He added that this fact is already in the hands of the Prosecutor’s Office to make the investigation and clarify the reason why they executed this woman, even if the fact was at an emblematic point in the port of Mazatlan, as is the Paseo del Centenario.

“We are going to let the Prosecutor’s Office move forward, remember that we decreased from ten femicides, from last year to two last year, today we have one unfortunately, but we will strengthen the strategies of the Women’s Institute, and the DIF to avoid that kind of problem. ” 

He said that the preventive actions in the field of security are firm and will be reinforced to avoid a lack of control.

Source: linea directa

The Mazatlan Post