Mazatlan Fishermen report increased lobster catch and fresh fish for sale


With the proximity of Christmas, the sale of crustacean in North Beach began to rebound

Mazatlan Sinaloa.- The cold fronts that have occurred in this region, have benefited the fishermen of North Beach since the capture of different species including lobster has increased.

The fishermen that area, said that the crustacean that is caught between the months of November to June, is rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals, in addition to a simple preparation, which will look like a luxury on the table during the Christmas holidays.

In the place where a scale weighs each of the lobsters and fishermen clean them by a tip to leave them ready to cook, these days little by little people begin to approach to acquire it, many of them, connoisseurs of the flavor of the species and others who will seek to experiment with a different dish this Christmas.

The lobster is caught through nets since the old fishing gear was not very profitable for fishermen, who have reported that during this season the first weeks have been good in terms of volumes.

Fresh fish in North Beach

In Playa Norte there is a great variety of fish and prices, ranging from 80 to 120 pesos per kilo

North Beach Fish Sellers Union there is a variety of products, all that is needed is consumers, said the president of merchants, María del Rosario Flores Galindo

She said, despite the fact that the winter holidays started already in the region, the demand for fish has not been entirely good so far.

We do not see clearly, we have everything, snapper, mojarra, robalo, fillet, curvina, there everything, only what is missing that people come to buy

Galindo flowers

Flores Galindo, he said, takes approximately 300 pesos daily, of which only 200 are left of profits.

The merchant leader, he said, expects sales to pick up between December 24 and 31, which could reach 60 to 70 percent.

Source: sol de mazatlan

The Mazatlan Post