In Sonora, Mexican National Guard discovers tunnel with an exit into the United States


The tunnel that connects the state of Sonora with the United States was closed by elements of the National Guard, see the details

The National Guard discovered a tunnel in the state of Sonora, leaving for the United States.

Through a statement, the federal agency announced that, under the Border Violence Prevention Protocol, elements of the corporation deployed in Sonora located the tunnel to the United States in the municipality of Nogales.

The foregoing was carried out by following up on research work derived from the recent location of a transboundary tunnel in said entity, for which reason tours were made in the rainwater drainage, and at the height of the Fundo Legal colony land was located loose that covered a concrete cover, which when removed discovered the entrance of a tunnel, within which were woods and two metal stairs.

The excavation had an inlet diameter of 35 × 30 cm, with a depth of 3 meters, and runs a length of 3 meters with an exit to the North American territory. Therefore, coordinated actions were carried out with personnel of the Office of Customs and Border Protection of the United States (CBP) to carry out the closure of the tunnel, whose exit was hidden with weeds.

Likewise, the entrance of the excavation was assured and the Federal Public Ministry Agent was informed, who will follow up the investigations.

Source: Guardia Nacional✔@GN_MEXICO_

The Mazatlan Post