The Rarámuris live with hunger for months: AMLO Gov delay aid until 2020


Rarámuris of the municipalities of Bocoyna and Guachochi, where more than half live in poverty, demand jobs and the delivery of welfare programs that have delayed them. Last July, they marched; this weekend they approached President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and at the end of October they will again express their demands, focused mainly on mitigating hunger.

The President announced the arrival of the Sembrando Vida program in the Sierra Tarahumara in 2020 and the Chihuahua Welfare Delegate, Juan Carlos Loera, indicated of alleged nepotism, said they sought Telecomm to be able to deliver resources in the absence of banks in the region.

The President acknowledges that the rarámuris of Chihuahua suffer from tuberculosis due to famine

Around 300 Raramuris of communities belonging to the municipalities of Bocoyna and Guachochi, Chihuahua, blocked the passage of the black truck in which President Andrés was traveling at the entrance of San Juanito Manuel López Obrador to inform you that you are hungry. They asked for sources of employment and the delivery of social programs that have not yet reached them, a requirement repeated for months to the Delegate of Welfare of Chihuahua,  Juan Carlos Loera de la Rosa, denounced before the Secretary of the Public Function for alleged nepotism.

Resultado de imagen para rarámuris viven con hambre

“They have totally forgotten us, totally isolated from federal government programs,” said Luis Carlos González, of Bocoyna and coordinator of the Hunger March or March for Work, by telephone, in which women, children, and men from the communities participated. scattered from the Sierra Tarahumara like Panalachi (54 kilometers from San Juanito, Bocoyna, or 11 hours walking), Sisoguichi (34 kilometers), Sagoachi (22 kilometers), among others.

Resultado de imagen para rarámuris viven con hambre

“We are asking the communities for food aid, to support us with a pantry or something to fight the famine here in the communities that are farthest away, in which the Government turns to see the indigenous population,” said Luis.

Rarámuris women in the protest of the weekend in San Juanito

In the municipality of Bocoyna live more than 23 thousand inhabitants, of which 58 percent are in poverty and 32 thousand people live in Guachochi, of which 64 percent live in that situation, according to the figures Recent of the National Council for the Evaluation of Social Development Policy (Coneval, 2015).

Ramón Galdea, leader of the Rarámuris Indigenous Crafts Cooperative, also participated in the march. “What the rarámuris want is to work, not to depend on anyone like anyone else. Without work, nothing can be done. And in the Sierra there is no work or anything, other than a trafficker, ”he said.

Since December when Prospera was eliminated due to the change of federal government, they are eating Maseca with the quelite grass and they are not taking pinole because there is no corn, Galdea said.


In July the rarámuris also marched in Bocoyna. The welfare delegate Juan Carlos Loera promised to incorporate the families that meet the requirements that set the rules of operation to the Benito Juárez scholarship program that replaced Prospera’s; to finalize the one of Production for the Well-being to 13 thousand 813 producers through Telecomm, in the absence of banks in the Sierra Tarahumara, and to train with Young Building the Future to 6 thousand inhabitants, he said in an interview.

But in the demonstration of this weekend they affirmed that it has not fulfilled.

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Moments after the road blockade, President López Obrador announced during the rally in San Juanito that he had committed to Governor Javier Corral Jurado that the Sembrando Vida program would start with 25 thousand hectares to generate 10,000 jobs, “but as I am feeling the need that is very great in the Tarahumara, a lot of poverty and a lot of need to maintain the forest and to reforest, here I want to commit to Javier that there will be 50 thousand hectares for 20 thousand jobs ”, and“ it will be included for the first time to all the natives of the Tarahumara in this support to sow [Production for Wellbeing] ”.

“It is costing us work because there are no bank branches to go with the card to get the money. Bansefi has already become a Bank and will have 13,000 branches in the most remote communities of Mexico, ”he promised and warned that he will return to other communities in the Sierra Tarahumara.

The rarámuris will march again from October 24 to 27

The next day at the morning conference, the President reiterated that “we cannot feel satisfied when there is tuberculosis caused by hunger in our country. We are going to apply more in support programs to indigenous communities throughout the Tarahumara. ”

But the demand continues. Among the indigenous governors of the Sierra Tarahumara, who delivered their requests to President López Obrador, agreed on the third demonstration for October 24-27.

“We do not remove the finger from the line. What brings us to this fight is the program that used to be called Prospera, ”said Luis González, the Hunger March coordinator. “Each mother was receiving a 950 pesos scholarship every two months, then she enters the Benito Juárez scholarship program and they take away the mothers who were already benefiting from Prospera.”


Secretaría Programa federalProyecto de presupuesto (pesos)
BienestarSembrando vida25,130,908,846
Apoyo a adultos mayores en pobreza126,650,335,993
Seguro de vida para jefas de familia11,242,869
Pensión para el Bienestar de las Personas con Discapacidad Permanente11,905,876,321
Educación Programa de Becas de Educación Básica para el Bienestar Benito Juárez30,475,080,180
Beca Universal para Estudiantes de Educación Media Superior Benito Juárez28,995,175,130
AgriculturaProducción para el Bienestar11,000,000,000
TrabajoJóvenes Construyendo el Futuro25,614,189,926

Fuente: Proyecto de Presupuesto de Egresos para 2020 de SHCP 

Ramón, from the Rarámuris Indigenous Crafts Cooperative, added that most do not qualify for new programs as adults between 40 or 50 years old “that their children went to work in the cities, they are alone in the mountains, not They speak Spanish and can no longer work. ”

Sowing Life began this 2019 only in the southeast, and will arrive in Chihuahua and Durango until 2020. “We see it very late, so we wanted an emergency program to be implemented here in the Sierra Tarahumara, with temporary jobs, to fight a little the famine, ”said Luis Gonzalez, organizer of the march.

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Ramón regretted having to wait until next year. “We wanted it to be this year, because malnutrition is now very ugly. The cold is coming, it has started to snow. Without food, a frost kills you. The more you spend days without eating you get worse. ”

The director of the Sierra Madre Alliance, Isela González Díaz, added that in addition to tuberculosis due to poor nutrition in several municipalities in the Sierra there are children with high rates of child malnutrition.

Resultado de imagen para rarámuris viven con hambre

“In Bocoyna, in the Santa Teresita health clinic, there have been many reports about children with malnutrition, to which the state or federal government does not put a public policy,” said the activist. “There are poverty diseases that are preventable and curable such as acute respiratory diseases in the winter and skin diseases in the summer.”


During the March for Work or March of Hunger this weekend, the rarámuris showed cards with the phrase “Get out Loera!”, Addressed to the delegate of Chihuahua Welfare, Juan Carlos Loera de la Rosa.

Luis González, coordinator of the demonstration, said the delegate approached them and justified that the rules of operation of the programs are from the federal government. “He washed his hands,” he said. Ramón Galdea, from the Rarámuris Artisan Cooperative, said he met him in April of this year. “I have been in the mountains for years and I have never seen it. His attitude towards indigenous people is to tell him beautiful things, sign agreements and not comply with them, ”he said.

“Loera doesn’t listen.”

For the director of the Sierra Madre Alliance, Isela González, the rarámuris have lived in an “invisible poverty”, so she recommended that welfare programs not be concentrated in the municipal headwaters “where officials find it easier to go and censor , that go as far as the communities are completely adrift ”.

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In an interview, the delegate of State Welfare Juan Carlos Loera clarified that the delay in the delivery of the programs is because the original design for the dispersion of resources is through a bank card to be directly, without intermediaries, but In the Sierra Tarahumara there are no banks.

“One of the disastrous inheritances we had from the previous regime was that the bank does not exist materially in those municipal headwaters that make up the Sierra Tarahumara and in the communities,” he said. “We have redesigned the strategy. It has to be done through Telecomm, which is the only money order delivery service that exists. We have faced complying with all the procedures to be able to make the transfers, which we are about to do ”.

They will seek with Telecomm to make the deliveries of resources

On Sowing Life, which will be implemented in 2020, he said that they are receiving training and the recruitment of productive and social technicians is being made for assistance that allows generating productive jobs and reforesting after “the irresponsible use of the forest”.

They will be fruit trees that occur in the region, and “it is not ruled out to innovate with other crops such as avocado.”

Source: sinembargo

The Mazatlan Post