Sinaloa invites men who are victims of violence to request support


So far there is only the record of a man who has suffered from psychological and economic violence in Mazatlan

Mazatlan, Sinaloa.- The Municipal Institute of Women (Immujer) intends to function as the Municipal Institute of Equality because it does not deny attention and support to men, as reported by María del Carmen Ramírez Morales, director of this department.

The municipal official urged all men who suffer from any type of violence to approach this institute to receive advice and help.

Resultado de imagen para women beating men

In this sense, Ramírez Morales revealed that during the first year of the current municipal administration only one man who has stocked psychological and economic violence has been treated.

“(There is) a case (registered) of an older male; the woman was abusing him, taking away all his fortnight, not giving him food or such things and can also be called mistreatment to the elderly, because it does exist, but it makes them sad (make it known), “he explained.

The director of Immujer acknowledged that the cases of violence of which she has had more knowledge are those of these types, but she did not rule out that there is also physical violence in men. However, he commented that, perhaps out of grief, these cases have not been disclosed.

“I think that by sorrow, the truth; I don’t think there is anyone who doesn’t get pinched or something,” he said.

Source: reaccion informativa

The Mazatlan Post