They could close the Water Park in Mazatlan

The businessmen obtained their permission before Semarnat, but it is provisional and does not exempt them from responsibilities with the municipality

Mazatlan, Sinaloa. The Awax water park project, which was installed since last July in North Beach, came into operation last weekend and even manages promotions for this next bridge for the national holidays, however, it does not have permission to operate by the City Council of Mazatlan.

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Javier Lira González, Senior Officer, explained that the businessmen who are in charge of this attraction have Semarnat’s permission, but that the municipality has not yet approached to present the project so that they can obtain the corresponding authorizations, so he reiterates that operate outside the regulation. If so, they could become creditors to an economic sanction or until the closing of the appeal.

They already have Semarnat’s permission to operate there, previously they didn’t have it, they had only an environmental impact study. They went for protection, by legal means, but they definitely require municipal permits. The permission granted by Semarnat clearly specifies the obligations they have. Among the obligations they have is to comply with municipal, state and federal authorities. 

Javier Lira González

He explained that the executive and operation project is required to be presented to the municipality, in order to provide entrepreneurs with the number of requirements and the regulations that must be met. They can be from permits by Ecology, Civil Protection, Officials and even Jumapam.

We could initiate legal proceedings and can be sanctioned and even suspended, but that will be through the procedures. First we will insist on the approach and bring the permits. The municipality will act according to its faculties .. 

Javier Lira González


The Awax water park began to be installed during the month of June in the North Beach area, but not having all the necessary permits, the City Council stopped its assembly. This weekend he began to operate on his own and even promotions for the next national weekend offered to the public.

Source: el sol de mazatlan

The Mazatlan Post