Four fraudulent lodging web pages detected in Mazatlan


Some have been closed by the Federal Police and others are in the process

Mazatlan, Sinaloa.- The Tourist Assistance and Protection Center (CAPTA) has detected 4 websites dedicated to the scam through economic lodging options in Mazatlan and/or other destinations, as reported by Astrid Macías Fregoso, director of this department.

The municipal official revealed that through social networks and the Internet, a CAPTA link is shown to users who are doing this type of search, so they have called to check if the information is real or not.

“We do receive some calls because prices are very attractive on some of those pages, there have been around 3 or 4 sites, which are from both Facebook pages and websites, where they use tourist destinations – not just Mazatlan – but Sun and beach attractions, with very attractive prices that many people also say: ‘It’s very good’ and distrust it being so cheap, ”she explained.

Macías Fregoso clarified that these spaces have been reported to the Federal Police for their closure and that some of them have been removed, while others are in the process of being closed.

Source: reaccion informativa

The Mazatlan Post