Sinaloa: Mazatlan and Guasave receive certification of clean beaches in Mexico


Mazatlan was recognized for the conservation of the world’s largest priority beach, El Verde Camacho, with a length of 6 kilometers

Mexico City .- Sinaloa joined the National Platinum Beaches Alliance, a program that aims to boost the country’s tourism development, provide health and safety to beach users and boost the economic development of municipalities Mexican coastal.

Image result for Mazatlán y Guasave reciben certificación de playas limpias

During the Meeting of Sustainable Beaches, organized by the Mexican Institute for Standardization and Certification AC (IMNC) belonging to CONCAMIN, the Clean Beach certification was delivered to the beaches of Las Glorias (Guasave), Gaviotas and El Verde Camacho (Mazatlan).

In addition, Mazatlan received recognition for the conservation of the world’s largest priority beach, El Verde Camacho, with a length of 6 kilometers and which has maintained the distinctive since 2012.

Image result for El Verde Camacho (Mazatlan).

Similarly, Mazatlan was distinguished by SEMARNAT for the collaboration of the “NMX-AA-120-SCFI-2016 Implementation Manual”.

They also received certificates and flags from Playa Limpia for complying with Mexican Standard 120 of SEMARNAT: Nayarit, Ciudad Madero, Tamaulipas; Los Cabos; Benito Juárez, Quintana Roo; Puerto Peñasco, Sonora; Santa María, Huatulco, Santa María Colotepec and Santa María Mixtepec, Oaxaca.

What is El Verde Camacho?

In the state of Sinaloa, there are many more things than beautiful beaches and exotic landscapes combining desert and sea. It is also a place where you try to preserve the exotic fauna, much of it being in danger of extinction. And one of these places dedicated to this noble task is the El Camacho Green Sanctuary, a nature refuge.

In El Verde Camacho it focuses on the main activity to help a particular amphibian: the sea ​​turtle. This conservation and reproduction center of this animal originated in 1998, being declared a protected natural area. And the interesting thing about this site is that it is a collaborative effort among the inhabitants of the place with marine biologists.

The Camacho Green

When visiting the Tortuguera beach El Vere Camacho, they will start your tour giving you a talk about the tasks performed on this site. Then you will be mentioned the characteristics of the sea turtle that is protected here, working with two species in particular. The first is the golf turtle and the second is the mangrove turtle, taking care of both with great enthusiasm.

A wildlife paradise

The Camacho Green

Later, they will take a tour on a part of the mangrove that is here, all being on top of a small boat. We recommend you occupy the first seats of this small transport so that in this way you can take the best photos. However, admiring the landscapes found here is not the only surprise you will encounter here.

Indeed, El Camacho Verde is also a place where animals such as crocodiles, iguanas, snakes, and many exotic birds live. Highlights include owls, storks, woodpeckers, and peregrine falcons, as well as a large number of mammals that live on land. Among them are armadillos, coyotes, rabbits, hares, raccoons, wildcats, badgers, wild boars, white-tailed deer, tlacuaches and more.

Source: reaccion informativa,, noticieroaltavoz

The Mazatlan Post