The average income of Mexican households falls to 16,537 pesos: INEGI


The average quarterly monetary current expenditure per household of urban towns reached 35,509 pesos, that is, 1.8 times that of rural towns with 19,938 pesos

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The average income of Mexican households decreased from 17,249 to 16,537 pesos between 2016 and 2018, down 4.1 percent, according to the results of the National Survey of Household Income and Expenses.

The main source of income is for work that represents 67.3 percent or 33,382 pesos, followed by transfers with 15.4 percent, the estimate of the rental of housing 11.4 percent, property income 5.9 percent and other current income with 0.1 percent

The agency pointed out that the average current quarterly income in urban towns was 55,495 pesos and in rural towns 30,016 pesos.

While the average quarterly monetary income of people with disabilities is 11,438 pesos; that of people with difficulty seeing, even wearing glasses, was 11,260 pesos, while that of people with some difficulty paying attention or learning simple things stood at 6,209 pesos.

According to age groups, the highest average income corresponds to the group of 50 to 59 years with 25,461 pesos and the lowest income to the age group of 12 to 19 years with 4,713 pesos.

By entity, Mexico City and Nuevo León presented the highest quarterly average current income per household, with 79,085 and 68,959 pesos, respectively, and the states with the lowest quarterly average current income per household were Guerrero and Chiapas with 29,334 and 26,510 pesos, respectively. .

Meanwhile, the average quarterly monetary current expenditure per household was 31,913 pesos and the non-monetary current expenditure of 8,673 pesos.

Around 35 percent of the daily expenditure is spent on food and beverages in households, followed by 20% in transportation and communications, reflecting a growth of 2.1 and 5.2%, respectively, compared to 2016.

On the contrary, the health care item represented the lowest category, reaching only 838 pesos.

Within the category of food and beverages consumed within the home, the highest expenditure per quarter is in meat with 1,986 pesos, followed by cereals, with 1,539 pesos, other various foods 1,034 pesos and vegetables with 1,007 pesos.

The first three places of quarterly monetary current expenditure in households correspond to education with 2,736 pesos, food consumption outside the home with 2,557 pesos and fuels for vehicles with 2,100 pesos.

The average quarterly monetary current expenditure per household of urban towns reached 35,509 pesos, that is, 1.8 times that of rural towns with 19,938 pesos.

Source: forbes mx

The Mazatlan Post