In the middle of summer, a cold front will lower the temperature of Sinaloa this week


The National Meteorological Service (SMN) predicted a cold front, which will be presented in the north of the country in the middle of the cannula. 

Despite finding ourselves in the dogs days of summer, a season in which intense heat is expected, the National Meteorological Service (SMN) predicted a cold front out of season. 

A cold off-season front extends over the border region of northern Mexico, interacts with divergence in height, generating the potential for very heavy showers and occasional rains with electric storms and possible hailstorms in the north and northeast of the country. ”

As a product of this cold front, the presence of low-pressure channels and the passage of three tropical waves, the SMN also forecast the presence of rains with electric shocks in much of the national territory, as well as possible hailstorms in the north, northeast, western and central Mexico. 

The cold front will develop in the middle of the cannula, which began on July 12 and lasts approximately 40 days. 

The canicle is the period of the year in which it is hotter. Its name of the Latin term “canis” which means dog, and which refers to the star of Sirius, in the constellation Canis Maior. Sirio is one of the brightest stars in the sky during some summer days in the northern hemisphere 

Source: National Meteorological Service

The Mazatlan Post