Road education campaign initiated in Mazatlan

Mazatlan, Sinaloa.- On Monday, the Mazatlan Public Security Secretariat, in coordination with the Mazatlan DIF System, inaugurated a permanent campaign of road education.

The objective of this campaign is to raise awareness and invite citizens to respect the different traffic laws, including respect for spaces exclusively for disabled people.

The permanent campaign that began on Monday at the monument to the family, located next to Valentinos, on Avenida del Mar is a program that the mayor of the port, Luis Guillermo Benítez Torres and his wife Gabriela Peña seeks to root in citizenship with the Mazatlan Inclusive program.

Some points that the SSPM and DIF Mazatlan seeks to raise awareness are:

Seat belt use

Do not use the cell phone when driving

Respect pedestrian use

Respect and take care of spaces for disabled people

Source: entre veredas

The Mazatlan Post