Survey Says: Mazatlan youth prefer a trip instead of a graduation party


* “Travel experience” 
* “The party only lasts one night”

A graduation party means a significant expenditure of money for Mexican families and although in years ago it was the dream of every young woman; nowadays they consider it something “silly and unnecessary” because the amount of money that is invested in making the party is “exaggerated”.

Sinaloa online conducted a survey of students to find out what they preferred, whether a graduation party or a trip.

“A trip for the experience”, “I would choose the trip”, “it is much better a trip between friends”, were some of the answers. 
Students prefer to use the money to travel at least half the cost of a graduation party. Choose to travel among friends to get to know different cities, cultures and people spending when they come to the conclusion that the party “only lasts one night”.

Do you prefer a party or a trip?

Source: sel

The Mazatlan Post