Sinaloa will look for regular police and traffic policemen to develop both functions


Possibly it is ruled that both agencies work together, this according to the State Public Safety Commission

Mazatlan, Sinaloa.- Due to the recent assaults on Traffic Police, an initiative will be presented in Congress with the aim of reaching an ordering an agreement so that both administrative and reaction police have the power to stop and infraction, announced Mario González Sánchez “El Capi”.

“It is also being asked in another point of agreement that the order be given to both reaction police and transit police, who both have the same faculty to be traffic police and reaction police; a reaction police officer may give a violation and a traffic police officer may also submit, “he said.

Currently there are no decent conditions for the police, the conditions are lower than they should have, wages are low and there are fewer elements in the state; He also indicated that the budget has to improve next year.

“The salaries are low and we have 60 percent less police than there should be in Sinaloa, we have to begin to understand that the training is comprehensive, I also told my colleagues in Congress: ‘do not be mean’, that we vote for a decent budget for public security because it is what gives us the investment in the state, “González Sánchez added.

On June 28 will be the First Forum of the Security Commissions at the national level that will be based in the State Congress, where various important issues will be discussed, mainly on how the National Guard will operate and how they will collaborate to take forward the laws of The best way.

Source: quepasaenmazatlanlinea

The Mazatlan Post