No to child labor on Sinaloa fields


The Confederation of Agricultural Associations of the State of Sinaloa stressed that for no reason do they hire minors

Culiacán, Sinaloa.- The 11 organizations that make up the Confederation of Agricultural Associations of the State of Sinaloa (CAADES) do not hire minors for field work, said Manuel García López in response to the celebration of the World Day Against Child Labor.

The director of CAADES explained that farmers have to have a certification to be able to market their products in Mexico and the United States, and one of them does not allow children to pick vegetables or pack them.

“A component came to be the issue that is called social responsibility, part of safety, apart from caring for the environment, it must be justly certified the issue of social responsibility and, within the issue of social responsibility as a fundamental element is the non-hiring from the child’s hand “he explained.

 Garcia Lopez said that within the social responsibility issue, a fundamental element is that shelters are set up, nurseries where infants receive food, education and medical services, while their parents work as day laborers.

He added that these programs are linked to government agencies that safeguard the rights of children in Mexico.

“Currently the marketing of vegetables to the United States can not be carried out unless you are certified, because you have to comply with all this series of requirements, that the children are not in the work, but should be studying.

The director of CAADES admitted that there may be producers in the southern part of the state that allow child labor, but not members of the agency, this is because there are sectors of Chilean production that sell in the national market and there is not so much control of exigency. to minors working in farming.

Source: linea directa

The Mazatlan Post