Two new cold fronts are forecast for this week in Sinaloa


These two phenomena will enter Mexico on Thursday and Sunday and numbering them will be 59 and 60, respectively, said Manuel de Jesús Ortiz

In the month of May, two new cold fronts will enter the country through the state of Baja California, fortunately, they will not have any influence for Sinaloa and temperatures are expected to remain unchanged, predicted Manuel de Jesús Ortiz Acosta.

The head of the Agrometeorological Service of the Confederation of Agricultural Associations of Sinaloa State (Caades) commented that these two phenomena will enter Mexico on Thursday and Sunday and numbering them will be 59 and 60, respectively.

“Minimum from 13 degrees in the mountains and up to 20 on the coast of the southern zone, maximum 30 to 30 probable for Wednesday and Thursday,” he said. 

Despite these heats, fog banks are expected for this Thursday in the center and south of the state and for the rest of the week, there are no changes expected. 

Source: caades, linea directa

The Mazatlan Post