Sinaloa: Fiestas del Mar de la Cabras 2019 Begins


Escuinapa, Sin.- With the objective of safeguarding the physical integrity of the escuinapenses and visitors who will attend the Traditional Festivities Fiesta del Mar de la Cabras 2019, in its 115th edition, headed by Dr. Emmett Soto Grave, municipal president, gave a signal of the start of the Security Operation, where 258 elements of the three orders of government and 38 vehicles of the different corporations and aid bodies participate.

Prior to the signing of the Escuinapa-Teacapán state rally, in a press conference, the Mayor emphasized the importance of a comprehensive security operation, since the collaboration of the citizens is also needed to work together and complete the white balance.

“We this year have taken very seriously the safety of citizens who go to visit the traditional festivities, are 115 years of tradition that meet this year, we expect an approximate influx between 80 to 90 thousand for these holidays traditional, and obviously this invites us to be responsible in the care of the people who visit us; today we see a more comprehensive operation, because this year we are seeing the incorporation of the Navy, Green Angels, Firemen, and this is a full operation and we will have favorable results “said the mayor.

Soto grave, added that since last week began with the patching of the state rua to the beach area.

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It is expected around 80 to 90 thousand visitors in these four days of festivities, therefore, security strategies will be carried out in the state rúa, likewise, on the beaches, there will be 24 hour surveillance through of a State and Municipal Operations Center, which will be established at the entrance of Las Cabras beaches.

The person in charge of publicizing the operational plan was Commander Juan Carlos Natarén Ovando, director of Municipal Public Security, detailing each strategy that will be implemented in the maximum parties of the Escuinapa to prevent road and criminal incidents, both in the beach area as in the City. 

“In order to preserve the physical integrity of the escuinapenses population, the strategic objectives are to guarantee the security of the population through the realization and strategies to inhibit criminal acts, accidents and antisocial behaviors; guide the population on prevention measures; establish 24-hour surveillance through the state and municipal operations center; achieve to establish a permanent interinstitutional coordination and collaboration “explained the commander.  

Participate elements of the Municipal Police, Municipal Transit, State Police, Federal Police, Fire, Civil Protection, Red Cross, Ministry of the Navy, Preventive Programs, National Commission of Emergencies, resulting in a total of 258 elements that will contribute to the security operation.

The actions to implement in the Security Operative are: Coordination from the control center; police surveillance in the City, colonies, shops, roads and beaches las cabras; installation of 5 strategic points (filters) in the state road; dissemination of preventive measures to the population; immediate response of the police to criminal acts; link and assistance of communications through C4i; location of stray people and aquatic rescue; first aid services and medical services; regulation of speed levels through the “carousel” operation and installation of speed reducers; application of the breathalyzer to avoid driving while intoxicated and municipal transit will prevent the movement of motor vehicles and semovientes in the fringes of exclusive beaches for vacationers.

The filters in the state highway will be located at the railroad crossing, Rancho La Guanera, La Estacada, Fonatur and Las Playas Las Cabras intersection, and a filter inside Playas Las Cabras.

All public, private and voluntary personnel must present an official uniform with badges, badges and corresponding badges for easy identification.

Other participants in the security operation are: General State Prosecutor’s Office with agents of the Public Prosecutor’s Office and State Investigative Police; General Directorate of Police and Municipal Transit; Volunteer Firemen of Escuinapa; Benemérita Cruz Roja, Escuinapa delegation; and Municipal and State Civil Protection.

The emergency telephones are: 95 3 00 18 or 911 and 113 for Public Safety and Municipal Transit and Civil Protection; 95 3 31 55 or at 0 65; 95 3 50 44 Escuinapa Volunteer Firemen; and 95 3 60 19 in the Federal Preventive Police.    

Dr. Emmett Soto Grave, thanked the presence of José Rangel, Lieutenant of the National Navy Secretariat; Cristóbal David Barraza Sainz, in charge of the state ELITE group; and Oscar Osuna Tirado, delegate of Civil Protection south zone.  

It was attended by aldermen, security corporations of the three levels of government, civil servants and public servants, and media.