Vida Positiva AC reports that in 2008 less than 0.5% of the positive tests came out and that the cases have not stopped increasing; in 2018 it was 2.6% and in which the year is at 4%.
AC Vida Positiva based in Playa del Carmen, dedicated to performing free tests to detect the human immunodeficiency virus, advice, and liaison with health institutions released its findings so far in 2019 and the scenario is nothing flattering.
According to their figures, one in every 25 people who agree to be tested is a carrier of the virus; Likewise, the epidemic is still concentrated in the population of men who have sex with men (MSM), gays and transsexual women with a prevalence of around 25%.
While 15% of cases occurred among men with bisexual practices, but there is also a steady increase in cases among heterosexuals with a percentage between 0.5 and 1% of positive tests.
As part of the surveys they conducted as part of studies to detect the disease, they found that women who only have sex with other women are virtually unaffected by HIV.
Within the framework of International Condom Day, the surveys applied showed that the use of condoms is considered a reference of love towards a person because it protects both not only of unplanned pregnancies but also of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) or HIV
With a condom or without a condom
1 out of every 3 people, regardless of sex, gender or sexual orientation, used condoms in the first sexual relationship they had in their lives.
10% of single men, regardless of their sexual orientation, use it in all their sexual relationships.
1% of single women, regardless of their sexual orientation, use it in all their sexual relationships.
2% of people in a stable relationship always use a condom with their partner.
58% of men who are in a stable relationship (over 5 years), reported having had sex without a condom with people who were not their current partner in the last 5 years.
32% of women who are in a stable relationship (over 5 years), reported having had sex without a condom with people who were not their current partner in the last 5 years.
** Data based on the study of sexual behavior, part of the post-counseling of HIV tests that have been applied for more than 10 years to the general population in Playa del Carmen.
The situation of Playa del Carmen
The Positive Life record AC indicates that year after year the positive results increase in the tests performed among the general population: in 2008, 0.5% of the tests applied gave a positive ruling; for 2018 the figure rose to 2.6% and in which the year is 4%.
As in the rest of the country, the epidemic is concentrated in men who have sex with men (MSM) with 25%, 15% in men with bisexual practices and from 0.5% to 1% in heterosexuals. Women who only have sex with other women are not affected by HIV.
For every woman contagious, there are 5 men with HIV in Quintana Roo
Cases of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV-AIDS) in Quintana Roo increased by more than 50% compared to the previous year, according to statistics from the National Surveillance System Epidemiological (Sinave).
At the country level, Quintana Roo is among the states with the highest growth in HIV-AIDS cases; On the other hand, at the peninsular level, the state has the most cases, above Yucatan,
Last year’s statistics show that for every sick woman there are five men with HIV-AIDS.
Among the states with the highest number of HIV-AIDS cases, the State of Mexico ranks first followed by Mexico City, Veracruz, Guerrero, Baja California, Puebla, Quintana Roo
Source: la verdad noticias, sipse, diario de yucatan
The Mazatlan Post