Artistic community of Mazatlan demands an artist and not a politician in the Institute of Culture


Mazatlan Sinaloa. – The artistic community of Mazatlan raises its voice and demands that the municipal administration in charge of mayor Luis Guillermo Benítez Torres, the chemist, choose an artist at the head of the Institute of Culture and Art of Mazatlán (ICAM) and not a politician. otherwise it would be the ruin of the institute and the cultural future of the port.

Janeth Bañuelos News was given the task of interviewing Mazatlan artists in the disciplines of painting, singing, theater, exhibitors, teachers of orchestras and literature in order to know their opinion on the constant changes in the already “abused” “Institute of Culture.

The artists commented that the lack of experience and knowledge of the new artistic directors of ICAM, added to the compadrazgos and the very influential on the presidential couple have fractured the relationship between the same personnel, in addition they have committed a waste of finances and Above all, abuse of power has been generated when making decisions with favoritism.


The teacher of literature, narrator and promoter of reading with more than 40 years of experience, María Muñiz, said that the new director of culture has to be a cultured person, who knows all the artistic disciplines and not only is pigeonholed in one, also that is a sensitive person and open to dialogue to be able to work with the artistic community. He added that otherwise it will not be possible to generate a benefit for society.

Expresses that the new director must be a person with social commitment with the purpose that culture can be carried to all social levels. He also stressed that the person who arrives must have the knowledge, relationships and strategies to guarantee the low economic resources of national and international funds of cultural organizations and institutes, besides promoting an inclusive culture.

Elina Chauvet, plastic artist, defender of women’s rights, who has exhibited in several countries in the world her work “red shoes” naming her symbolically ambassador of Mazatlan, commented that the new holder of Culture must be a person of the artistic community , with world, prestige and international recognition, which has an openness of negotiation and transparency.

He noted that artists feel abandoned by the municipal authorities and the Institute of Culture because there is a very marked separation when it should be the opposite; a unit and communication which allows the integration and development of society.

All the promoters of the arts agree that ICAM is not only the Carnival, but that culture should be developed throughout the year in artistic activities, improve and nurture the Municipal Arts Center, maintenance and give life to the Theater Àngela Peralta , likewise, to disseminate the achievements and generate motivation to the students who place Mazatlan on the national and international level and, the latter, to support and look for new talents that due to lack of economic resources are not known, nor supported.

The appointment of José Ángel Tostado, PAN and former director of the DIF in Carlos Felton’s triennium, today in charge of the office at the Institute of Culture and Art of Mazatlan, has only left annoyance as it is a person outside the artistic guild and without knowledge for the area.

Sandra Jaime, a theater teacher with more than 40 years of experience and openly declared morenista, reported that the municipal administration is left with the speech of the Fourth Transformation, but has not understood the meaning, nor the process that has to be done to make it valid, since it ensures that the notable errors are visible in front of Culture.

The teacher said that she continues to give an elitist deal with the culture since it does not reach all communities as it should, but what she considered the worst is the lack of recognition and respect for local artists, since nepotism and abuse of power at ICAM is provoked by an aggressive imposition of Culture officials.

“Before there was a recognition and respect for the artistic community, lest it happened, things are being done badly, it has no consideration with the teachers. Culture is not being taken to all sectors, it is still elitist. They have not understood what the fourth transformation is and they do not know it because they do not understand the cultural project of AMLO because they are not brown, there is no cultural project that has similarity, “he said.

Singing teachers and orchestras who requested anonymity due to fear of reprisals, commented that the disorder had never been seen as such in the Institute of Culture since they have trampled on the human rights of the students and teachers of the Municipal Arts Center, removed useful programs and supports, but above all it has generated an atmosphere of arrogance and harassment with the artistic community and this situation has generated a feeling of disappointment of the authorities for which they voted.


Currently, there are public complaints before the State Human Rights Commission, and others before the Procurator, Elsa Bojórquez and some others before National Culture Organizations based in Mexico City for violations of the human rights of teachers of the Municipal Arts Center , omissions in the competition of comparsas, mistreatment and abuse of authority, involving Mayor Luis Guillermo Benítez Torres and Culture staff such as José Ángel Tostado and Linda Chang, among others.

In response, Mayor Luis Guillermo Benítez Torres, has repeatedly commented that these denunciations do not take away his sleep due to the fact that he has no queue and he blamed the local press on the publications to which he denounced, describing it as “Fifth press”. “

Source: janethbanuelosnoticias

The Mazatlan Post