Mazatlan: Free defensive driving course, will be held on April 11 and 12

Mazatlan, Sinaloa.- The Roads and Transportation Delegation makes an attentive invitation to citizens, expats, companies, people who generate fines or accidents frequently and to parents who are teaching their children to drive, to a defensive driving course, where they can reaffirm their knowledge of roads, informed Roberto Jaime Rodríguez.

“We are inviting to participate in a course of defensive driving that we are going to give, to learn a little more on the knowledge of rules, defensive driving, the law of sustainable mobility that is the new law of traffic and road education”.

The course will be taught by the Road Safety Officer, Roberto Jaime Rodríguez, who has 36 years in the area of ​​road safety, is an expert in traffic accidents, national driver education instructor and lawyer.

Those who are interested can go to the roads and transport offices next to the administrative unit, where they will be given a coupon so they can enter the aquarium, where it will be taught.

There will be no cost and it will take place on April 11 and 12 from 4 to 6 in the afternoon.

Source: linea directa

The Mazatlan Post